Bruce Waltke (14)

God honors obedience. He is in your life, ready to lead you according to His program of guidance. But He cannot lead a person who does not listen to Him, who is not close to Him. If you are struggling with a specific question, rather than trying to magically divine God's answer, spend time drawing close to Him. Then your character, and perhaps your perspective, will change. Then God will shape your desires. They you will have the mind of Christ.

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Don't think that a no answer from God, or the rise of difficult circumstances, means that God is necessarily displeased with you. He might just be trying to draw you closer to Himself. He may be using it as a way to build your faith.

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I have learned in my spiritual life not to focus on temptation or I'll get hit by it every time. Instead, I have learned to look to Jesus, who saves me from the temptations as I focus on His Word.

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So when I wonder about which job offer to take, I don't go through a divination process to discover the hidden message of God. Instead I examine how God has called me to live my life, what my motives are, what He has given me a heart for, where I am in my walk with Christ, and what God is saying to me through His word and His people.God\'s Will, 16

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The reliance on special signs from God is the mark of an immature person -someone who cannot simply believe the truth as presented, but must have a special, miraculous sign as the symbol of authority from God.Finding God\'s Will, 12

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God is not a magic genie. The use of promise boxes, or flipping open your Bible and pointing your finger, or relying on the first thought to enter your mind after a prayer are unwarranted forms of Christian divination.Finding God\'s Will, 12

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New Quotes

Nearly all of the New Age movement is focused on trying to attain some hidden knowledge of God, with the hope that this knowledge will change both the individual and the world. Books, tapes, and seminars preach a pantheistic message of finding supernatural power that fills the spiritual void of the individual.

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We need to drop entirely the concept of divination, which is not appropriate for Christians. We should reformulate our ideas and focus on what the Scriptures teach about the way our God guides His elect saints to do His pleasure.

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You must spend time reading God's Word or you will never mature in your Christian faith.

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Most of our texts from the ancient Near East pertain to divination. The king would never act in something as important as going into battle until he had the mind of the god as to whether he should or should not go to war. Many Christians follow this same path in seeking the divine mind in decisions.Finding God\'s Will, 11

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When we talk of "finding God's will" we generally want divine guidance on specific choices, but it should be noted that this specific term is never used after the Holy Spirit came upon the church at Pentecost. The apostles, upon whom the church is founded, did not teach that we are to seek God's will in this way. Instead, the New Testament offers us a program of the Father's guidance that is based upon having a close relationship with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.Finding God\'s Will, 10-11

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Sometimes God's will is simply His acts of providence: Whatever comes of our circumstances is God's will.Finding God\'s Will, 10

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The will of God refers to His eternal, sovereign rulership over the world that, according to Habakkuk 2:3, "hastens toward the goal, and it will not fail" (NASB).Finding the Will of God, 8

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